Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day. . . and Blog Birthday!

This is it, my 200th post! And look! You're here! Thanks for visiting. No, really, I appreciate it. I don't know why I keep yammering on the way I do or why I keep posting pictures of odd things. I don't even know who's reading, really. Sometimes it feels like I'm typing into a cyber void. I'd like to say I don't care who's reading, that I do it just for the fun of it, but I do care. So thank you for coming here. I'm glad you stopped by.

Also, I just realized while looking back on my posts that April 22 is the day I started this blog two years ago. And if that weren't enough, it's also Earth Day. To celebrate, I'm having a contest. The winner gets this:

A reversible grocery tote. By popular demand (O.K., just two people) I'm making these again and will be offering them on my website soon. This one, however, is up for grabs. All you have to do is tell me in at least 250 words why you love me. I will choose the best essay based on proper grammar and heartfeltedness.

Just kidding! Simply leave a comment with your name in it. That's it. You don't even have to leave a witty remark if you don't want to. You can even say, "You suck KB!" and I will still count it (but please don't, because that would hurt my feelings). A week from today I'll throw all the names into a hat and choose 5 winners.

Winner #1 gets the tote plus a phone pad and sketchbook from Rock Scissor Paper (blogged here) and maybe some other stuff thrown in too. Four more winners will receive phone pads and their choice of a sketchbook as well. One week from today I'll post the winners' names and they can email me with their addresses and sketchbook selections. Don't forget to check back to see if you won!

This contest is open to all crafty-friends, not-so-crafty friends, relatives, in-laws, secretaries, Shepherdstownies, Los Angelenos, former students, former bosses and co-workers, Janegirls, childhood friends, Flickr friends, international people, lurkers, first-timers, and total strangers. In other words - everyone! One entry per person please.

Meanwhile, I'm going to take a break from blogging this week. I need to spend a little time sprucing up my poor neglected website. Lately, I've been spending too much time here and not enough over there. I want to change things up a bit - tweak the design, take old stuff down, discontinue some items and introduce new ones. Hopefully this week I can get started on that, but I'll probably just spend all my time sewing.

Don't be shy - sign up! You just might win. Good luck!


Caroline said...

Me, me! *raises hand* Hi, I'm Caroline.

I can't recall ever commenting before...but even though I'm a non-crafty college kid, I'm a sucker for crafty bloggers with their own, young, kids. Why? I don't even know. I like to procrastinate, and these blogs generally have good pictures? It's a mystery.

Anonymous said...

I have to be entered in too. I love visiting your site KB.
Here is my essay.

Why I Love KB By Rachel Orndorff

I love KB because she is funny, creative and well a really cool person.

The End

I love the blog and the site.

Pamela said...

You suck, KB! Haha, just kidding. Actually, I clicked over here from flickr to see if you were selling that bag because I love it and want it for farmers' marketing this summer! So if I don't win, I'll just buy one when you make more. Insert smiley face from Pamela.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE -----no more pink hair! (or purple, green or orange for that matter!). Remember the week before your wedding and we had to bail you out at the beauty shop for much $$$. You are pretty as is---so you don't need to experiment!Maybe I should keep this picture and pull it out when McKenna discovers hair color in about 10 years! Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I'd love to win one of your neat-o creations. I'm surprised to see you haven't included "Computadores" in your list of people who can participate. sure, he's just a bot, but even bots need beautiful bags :)
You find beauty in mundane things that are often overlooked and that makes you very creative.I also left you a comment a couple of posts back.

sugarcreekstuff said...

How do i love thee.... let me count the ways. I love how you take objects that others consider junk and make them useful and beautiful again, how your humor shows through in your blog, also how quirky and individual you are. You also make cute babies.
And just my input... a whole week from blogging.! Come on, thats cruel.

Lela said...

Hi KB - Count me in! Your creativity is always inspiring. I often think of you when I'm debating making life changes, big or small, because you take them in stride and, as Tim Gunn would say, make them work for you. It's incredibly admirable and I'm happy to be your friend.

xo Lela

Anonymous said...

Love those grocery bags!
I found your website through Sew, Mama, Sew.
Please enter me in your contest!

Anonymous said...

I found you through Sew, Mama, Sew as well and have to say your blog is fabulous!!!

Kati said...

I was just thinking about making something similar for myself - very cute!

susie said...

Oh, those are so cute! I would be all fashionable if I shopped with one of those! Your things are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday to YOU!


Anonymous said...

Love the bags. And Congratulations on your anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Just found your site through the SMS site. The grocery tote is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog through sew mama sew and subscribed...I'm a thing-maker too! :)

The WoodLand School said...

Happy Blog-iversary!
Happy Earth Day!

Doodlebug Gail said...

I'm so glad I found your Blog - you do lovely work! I came from Sew, Mama, Sew ..... please add my name to your draw for the gorgeous grocery tote.

Anonymous said...

What a cute tote, perfect theme for a grocery tote actually. Wishing you a happy 200th!!!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I love the veggie fabric! Perfect for a grocery tote

rohanknitter said...

YOu have some really inspiring projects here - and I love your ironing board dresser top!

greetingarts said...

Wow, you make wonderful things! I'm so glad you decided to share with Sew, Mama, Sew! and I was able to find you. Congrats on the blogging, and the cheery, beautiful projects you create.

méri said...

Am I international people??
I'm sure i am total stranger!
I am Portuguese and I live in Porto - now I'm not so stranger.
(sorry my English!)
(I found your blog via Sew, Mama, Sew! Blog.)

Amblus said...

I love you because you're the prettiest. Duh!



Carolyn said...

Happy Blogiversary! What a perfect tote for the Farmer's Market! Thanks for the inspiration!

Carolyn in MA

Carolyn said...

Happy Blogiversary! What a perfect tote for the Farmer's Market! Thanks for the inspiration!

Carolyn in MA

Bonnie O. said...

I love your totes! I was just getting ready to make some when I stumbled across this post. Absolutely adorable. And your sundresses are awesome, too!

I love your blog because of the incredibly craftiness you exhibit!

Katie said...

Very cool! Love the bag!

Herbal Tonya here said...

Your totes are a great! perfect for CSA pickup and farmers markets!

Your blog is great.......I especially love some of the pinnafores.

I found you also by way of Sew Mama Sew

Katie said...

I just found your blog from Sew Mama Sew and I love your bags! Congrats on your blog anniversary!

Jill said...

Cute bag! And I love those sundresses from the post below. You are sew talented!

twolittlemagpies said...

Happy Blogiversary! Your tote looks great for Farmer's Market's and the library.

Came over from SMS and I'm glad I've found your blog.

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely bag and I certainly would like to win it. I'm trying to omit plastic bags from my life, but often end up with not enough reuseable bags when I'm grocery shopping. Thanks for the giveaway.
njones127 at tampabay dot rr dot com

Denise said...

I just found your web site from Sew Mama Sew. I love your ideas, especially the ironing board dresser, I may have to steal that one!!!

Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs said...

Well now, how can I resist?

Sandra :) said...

What a fun blog - I'm off to poke around ... from what I've seen so far, you don't suck, and you use fun fabrics to make fun stuff - thats NON SUCKAGE in my world!!

JM said...

Hey! I've never been here before, but I like to win stuff, so I headed over!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Blog! I don't even know the birthday of my blog - maybe I should figure it out, eh? I love your blog (found via SewMamaSew), and all of your cool crafty stuff. Keep up the awesome work!

erika~ the inspired mama said...

oooh, what a lovely grocery tote~ i would love it and put it to very good use, i assure you :)

i found you through sew, mama, sew, by the way and you have a great little blog! off to browse...

Anita said...

I absolutely love that veggie fabric!

Sacagawea Extreme said...

Beautiful bag! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog through Sew Mama Sew. I LOVE the Raggedy Anne dress you made. It looks just like the fabric my first sleeping bag was made out of. I love your grocery bag and would love to win it!

Karen said...

Thank you for the contest, and I love those grocery bags! Also, Happy Second Blogoversary!...Karen

Anonymous said...

What a fun little contest, I love love love the tote!! Happy Bloggiversary To You!!!
Rebecca C

Anonymous said...

KB rocks!
I am always in awe of how your creative mind works. Now I've seen this ironing board creation and I am even more jealous of your skills.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday - Your bags are styling.

Regina said...

Great bags -and I love your website, especially that you have stuff for BOYS. So much of the great handmade stuff is for the girls, and sometimes I get frustrated to find the unique and special for my little guy. Sew Mama Sew sent me over here to visit you - and I plan to be back!!! (oh - and I hope I win a bag, too!!!)

Anonymous said...

Ooohhhh! Congratulations on your 200th post! (and of course I would never say you sucked!) Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!

nettie said...

just found your blog. happy earthday.

Nanna said...

What pretty handmade work! I found you through Sew, Mam Sew and will subscribe to your blog. Thank you for sharing and for the giveaway.

Nanna said...

What pretty handmade work! I found you through Sew, Mam Sew and will subscribe to your blog. Thank you for sharing and for the giveaway.

Michelle said...

I really like that bag and I'd love to have one! Thanks for the drawing opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I am here from Sew Mama Sew and I love your reversible bag. I use shopping bags for all my shopping and this would definitely be the prettiest one.

So throw my name in there. Even though there are already 50 names in here. As my daddy used to say, "Somebody has to win; it might as well be me!!"


Anonymous said...

I just found your sight through Sew Mama Sew. Very nice work! I would love to win one of these totes!

Kelly said...

I found you through sew mama sew and I think your totes are adorable! Can you please put my name in your drawing? Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I fall into the total stranger catagory via sew mama sew. Love your blog and those cute sundresses. And the bag, of course (wink).

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I just found you through Sew Mama Sew and wonder how I have lived without you!!

Your totes are flipping awesome!!


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I just found you through Sew Mama Sew and wonder how I have lived without you!!

Your totes are flipping awesome!!


Vacuum Queen said...

Hey, a new site to see! Thanks and please enter me in the giveaway!!!

The DO said...

I'm Jenn and I, too, found you through SMS, and what a fun page! I keep meaning to sit down and make bags... So if I win yours that's one less! And I have a feeling one cuter, as well:)- That veggie fabric is just too cute! Thanks for the give away.

Jolene said...

This is my first time at you site. But I love all your cute crafty things. The flower dresses in the previous post are adorable. And I love the grocery totes. What a great idea for Earth Day.

MaMa said...

Hi! I found your site through the SMS site. The grocery tote is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Love the bag. Our family is trying to become more Earth friendly.

Anonymous said...

These bags are so cute! Pick me!


Anonymous said...

What wonderful bags! I've been feeling virtuous carrying the reusable shopping bags from my grocery store and Trader Joe's, but I'm getting tired of being walking advertising for them, you know?

Unknown said...

Where did you find that awesome veggie fabric?! I could totally see fresh produce from a farmers market poking out the top!

Kate said...

I'd love to replace my boring canvas tree-hugger bags with a cute one.

Happy Earth Day!

- Kate

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Hi - I found your lovely blog through the Sew Mama Sew site. Congratulations on your blogaversary. will be back for sure.

Anonymous said...

oooh, oooh, me me me!

Christina said...

Sew Mama Sew commands me and I must obey. Nice bag and, happy bloggerthday!!

Tina @ Squirrel Acorns said...

Another SMS, first-time blog visitor here. Read back through some of your old posts - Happy Anniversary! I love what you did with those sundresses and the vintage stars. So cute! I need to go to more garage sales and similar places to find cool things like that. And I definitely love the skull tees. My boys would love those...hmm...I get so many cool ideas from reading blogs that I never seem to have time to put into action.

Kieny The Dutchlady said...

Happy second blog day! I'm glad you don't ask for a 250 word essay ;-)

Melody said...

This is my first time to your blog, and I love it! :) Those totes are so cute, I love the veggies!!

cindy said...

Hi KB--
Today is my first to visit your blog-- --Thank You for having this fun contest (The bags look terrific--you are a very generous soul)
-Scanning down--I think I am most inspired by the dresser ironing board conversion--That is great! I'm adding Your postings to my growing list of "favorites" to visit

Karen said...

Happy #2 and 200th post and a super duper HAPPY EARTH DAY (a couple of days late). I love the "green" movement and how so many are finally realizing that we all need to take a part in taking care of our planet. Your bag is the BOMB!


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic bag! Please enter my name. :)

Marcia said...

I'm number 76, looks like you got a "few" responses. Ü Happy bloganniversary.

Heidi said...

Hello, i jumped into your blog when i was visiting sew mama sew. I love your projects. Al you bloggers give me so much inspiration. Congratulations on al your celebrations!!! I hope to have a 200th blog someday.....

namaste Heidi

Michelle Gaut said...

So COOL tote bags.
Would love one of these.

Lisa said...

Okay, I am not really too shy. found your blog thru SewMamaSew. I like your bags!!!
congratulations on your anniversary!

Lisa said...

Okay, I am not really too shy. found your blog thru SewMamaSew. I like your bags!!!
congratulations on your anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I really like your grocery bag but I ADORE those little sun dresses - they would fit my babies perfectly, however, given that they are both boys I don't know how appropriate that'd be!

Gillian R said...

Love the stars, LOVE the ironing board cupboard top, LOVE the dresses, absolutely LOVE the retro needle book. I would definitely frame it for your studio if I was you. Great find! And your blog is a great find for me too! :)

textile_fetish said...

Crud, KB! I want to be a winner! Hey, I had a customer recently who said she'd originally found me through your site :-) She's purchased from me before, too. So yay!

I swear, if I did a give-away, I'd have to choose between my sister and a spammer. Maybe not even my sister.

lisa {milkshake} said...

Holy crap, KB! 84 comments?! I would say lots of people are reading. AND they love your stuff enough to leave a comment!

You don't suck, KB :)

Sara said...

Love this bag!!

annette said...

cute stuff in your shop. Always love a bag.... never have enough! Fun blog found through Sew Mama Sew. Have a fabulous day!

Stacy said...

I found your blog from the sew mama sew blog and all I have to say is: OMG! I don't think that I have laughed this hard this early in the morning for years! I love all of the posts and as a fellow sewer, can totally relate to all of it! I also am a thrift store junkie and am always thrilled to read of other people's experience with that. That market bag is beautiful and I hope that I win it, but if I don't it was still worth it to visit your site! I will definately add it to my list of favorites!

Betty said...

I love the tote, and your blog! I for one am glad you have 200 great posts! Can't wait for the next 200!

Anonymous said...

I love that market tote! Just the thing I have been looking for to take to the farmer's market, our very own garden, and of course the supermarket! I love the veggie side the best! You are very crafty and clever!

Julie said...

wicked awesome bags. Would love to have one. Happy blogiversary.

Anonymous said...

Hello from North Carolina! You make me smile and I LOVE that you left your hair blonde in the back. Wish I had been that adventuresome in the 1960s. Thanks for sharing your light with all. What a day-brightener...

Sarah said...

Ooooo....love the bag! Congrats on your 200th post.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog via Sew Mama Sew. Love your work, especially the patchwork star and Raggedy Ann sundresses!! My daughter would flip out over those. Any chance the Raggedy Ann fabric is available commercially, or was it a vintage piece?

AndreaLea said...

That is awesome vegetable fabric! Found your blog through the Sew, Mama, Sew blog.

Anonymous said...

holy crap and you thought nobody was reading?!

Anonymous said...

Wow - great blog!! I clicked over from SMS, what a cool bag... pick me!
Also, congrats on your 200th post!

Bobbi said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your grocery store REVERSIBLE tote!

When I'm not working 50 hours a week and have time to sit down at the sewing machine and finish my list of projects, I hope I can make one just as lovely.... Or maybe I'll win!?!

***crosses fingers!***

Jill said...

Cute stuff. I wish I could get my bags to look so professional. Sigh. I'm usually in too much of a hurry. These are beautiful!
- jill

denise said...

Oh my. 98 comments. Well, I'll put my name in since that bag is the cutest thing. I love that fabric! :)

Jenn said...

I get to be number 99! Those bags are great! :)

Anonymous said...

I havent read all of your blog, yet. I fully intend to though!

Have an awesome day!

buebau said...

Congratulations for your blog aniversary and for your 200th post!

First time I visit your blog and I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I love the cute tote, so sign me up for the contest and gratulations on your 200th post! ;-)

Christie said...

I love that the tote has veggies on it! So appropriate for groceries! Thanks for holding the contest, I hope I commented before the deadline!
BTW, I'm hosting a contest myself that is over today 4/25--stop in and make a comment!

bec said...

very cute. i love how you used the quilt stars. makes me want to go thrifting tp find some

Rae said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I love those totes!
- Rae

Sharon said...

I'd love to be entered.

Lissa Jane said...

KB I came to check out your tote bags and you are having a giveaway? please count me in!

PS I love your bags! LOL

jmb_craftypickle said...

I just saw your site from Sew mama sew...but you are a funny lady...and I spy some REALLY cute little smocky dresses, ahh, if only I had girls! Happy blog birthday!

Anonymous said...

Hi KB - what a great grocery bag - so much nicer than the strange green cloth ones that we can buy at the supermarket - and then we all walk around looking the same - ugh! I would love to win one! Also - those vintage stars were a neat find and they look great on the dresses. Cute!

Anonymous said...

Taking your advice and signing up...
Peterkin alums are the best.
And I agree, Ohio is flat and boring.


Rhiannon said...

You're awesome KB!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I found you from Sew Mama Sew and wanted to comment because I would love for you to send that wonderful grocery bag all the way across the country! Please.

Susan said...

I just found you through Sew Mama Sew and I'm going to be bookmarking your site so I can come back and explore more.

I LOVE the grocery bags!

Anonymous said...

Your stuff is all so cute! Glad I found your blog. And I like your hair!

Heather said...

Love your bags!

calicodaisy said...

I jumped over from sew mama sew. Your grocery bags are very nice, especially the handles. I'm trying to incorporate using those instead of fabric so that any bag I make stays nicer longer. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. It's fun to see another crafter's work. -- Michele

Tammy "SweetT" said...

Love the bags! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Good mornin'! I popped over from Sommer Design: am so happy I did. May be lucky . . .

Leslie said...

i love your grocery tote!!!

Claire Roach said...

Fun blog! Thanks for the great giveaway.

SandyQuilts said...

Oh my gosh I certainly needed that bag this week ... groceries and more groceries.

I'm adding you to my google reader so I don't miss a thing.

Thien-Kim aka Kim said...

That is such a cute bag!

Bekah said...

love LOVE love the reversable tote! Very very cutsie! Can you please put my name in the hat??

Ginny said...

These totes are wonderful, please add me to the contest! Congrats on your 200th post!

Anonymous said...

Hi KB...I really enjoy your blog ! how else would i keep up with your life ? I would love to win your shopping bag, but feel like i should make you one...maybe i will...i have more fabric to send to you soon. off to NYC again tomorrow for the week. will check in on you when i get back...annette

Carol said...

Maybe I should give away something so more people would leave comments on my dumb old blog. But my prize wouldn't be so cool, of course. Enjoying the blog!

Rebecca said...

I love the totes! Perfect for all my CVS trips ;>)

I found your blog through SMS! Can't wait to read more.....

Alison said...

Love that bag! Happy Blogiversary!


Becky said...

I can always use more totes around here.

nettie said...

I, too, came over form Sew Mama Sew. What a fabulous blog. I think that a gorgeous kokoleo tote would be just the thing to take to my local markets here in the Land Downunder.

Chas said...

I just now found your blog today. What a great gift to giveaway. Thanks for offering.


Unknown said...

Would love to join in the contest!
You suck KB..hehe! Just kidding!!!
NO, you rock! I LOVE your raggededy ann dress, the little star and your hair is so cool!! You Go Girl!!

Christy said...

I love the bags! Thanks for all the great inspiration...

tess said...

love that vegetable fabric!

Emily Cole said...

Congrats on your 200th post! I love the bags, I'm trying to come up with a design for some cute little shopping bags too. I love your little patchwork star sundresses too - they're SO cute!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Pick me? Pleeeeeze???

Vintage-at-Heart Designs said...

Love the fabric you used for the bag. What a great way to be green and cool at the same time.

Anonymous said...

well since everyone else is leaving a comment i guess i will too. although i should win because i have left you comments before.
although i'm pretty sure i could be happy with one of those sweet starflower dresses in my size please...


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