Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We all had a Yellow Submarine birthday party

A few months ago Sage discovered our Yellow Submarine DVD and was fascinated. When we asked him what kind of birthday party he wanted, he chose a "Yedow (his pronunciation) Submarine Birthday Party." We obliged. Here's the invitation Erik made:

And I made the cake:

At Sage insistance we played "Pin the looker thingy on the Yellow Submarine":

He also wanted to lead a marching band (which he did with his friends around our yard) and a have a pinata. Erik and I tried to make him one the night before but a few hours before the party was to start it was still soggy, so we went out and bought this one:

And here he is blowing our his candles:

That night when I was getting him ready for bed, I noticed that he was practicing holding four fingers on his hand. He lifted one, then two, then three, and then slowly let the pinky go and stood there studying his four fingers. I said, "Hey Sage, How old are you now?" and he smiled and held up his hand and said, "Four!"

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Cool Press

I've been m.i.a. lately, busy with my new job and still settling in to the new house. I have new things to add to the shop but my digital camera is broken, or rather, filled with Malibu sand - oops! I bought a disposable camera for Sage's birthday party this weekend, so when I get that back, I'll post pics.

Until then check out the latest edition of N.E.E.T. magazine. More specifically, check out page 81. Two of my kokoleo items, a flower tote and friendship pillow are featured. It's such a cool magazine, I'm honored that my stuff was chosen!

Also, kokoleo got a mention in the WAHM Spotlight last week when their Friday's Feature was bags. Sweet! I don't know if I still quailfy as a work-at-home-mom since I took on this other job, but technically, I'm still a mom who works at home (and somewhere else). It's been a little hectic trying to juggle both but I'm hoping to settle into a routine and give kokoleo the attention it deserves. First, I need to find a camera fix-it shop.